Updates & Resources

The latest announcements, links, and files to stay up-to-date with the Strategic Planning process

Latest Updates

Strategic Plan Update: New Sub-Deliverables

Dear Colleagues, I hope you are having a produc tive and successful fall semester. An important focus of our work this academic year is continuing the momentum that has been built around our strategic plan “A Bold Path Forward.” I am pleased to share with you that...

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Strategic Plan Progress Update

Dear Colleagues, Since formally launching our strategic plan, “A Bold Path Forward,” last winter, considerable progress has been made toward the five Outstanding Success Possibilities (OSP) that were identified to position the University for sustained progress and to...

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Update on Strategic Planning Process

Dear Members of the University Community,  I am pleased to provide an update on the progress of our strategic planning efforts. Since the official launch near the end of the Fall semester, each of our working groups has transitioned from the planning phase that began...

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Strategic Plan Launch

Dear Members of the University Community, I am pleased to announce that, following a comprehensive process incorporating the valuable feedback of many stakeholders, we have finalized the University’s newest strategic plan. This five-year plan outlines five outstanding...

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Help Shape the University’s Strategic Plan

Dear Students, We are writing to update you on our ongoing strategic planning initiative and to ask for your input as we continue this comprehensive process. This important work will impact your experience as Chargers and that of future students who will follow in...

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Update on Strategic Planning Process

Dear Colleagues, Thank you for your continued interest and engagement in our University’s Strategic Planning process. I would like to update you on the current status of our planning process and our next steps. Tom Lewis ’74, ’76 M.S., ’05 Hon., University of New...

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Chronicle of Higher Education: 

The Great Contraction

Feb 15, 2021

Indiana University of Pennsylvania was already shrinking. As regional demographics ebbed and competition for the remaining students increased between 2011 and 2020, the public college lost a third of its enrollment. Leaders had little choice but to cut back, trimming about 150 faculty positions over several years, mostly through attrition — retirements or not filling vacant positions.

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Getting Faculty off the Sidelines and in the Innovation Game

Jan 13, 2021

When Shauna began her tenure as dean of her business school, she noticed a disturbing trend. Faculty rarely attended meetings, had limited contact with the leaders of the college, and seemed generally checked out of the needs of larger institution. At the same time, the college was struggling to reach new students with its current offerings.

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Inside Higher Ed: 

Colleges Need to Rethink Strategic Planning

Feb 14, 2019

Colleges and universities would be better served by focusing on the other half of strategic planning: the strategy, Peter Eckel and Cathy Trower argue.

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