2021-2022 Sub-Deliverables

Our five-year plan outlines five outstanding success possibilities (OSPs) that, when accomplished, will represent a true measure of exemplary achievement, promising to have a far-reaching impact on the future of the University and the educational experience of our students.

OSP 1: Market-responsive Education

The University of New Haven was founded to meet the workforce needs of the region. During its hundred-year history it has often been one of the first educational institutions in the Northeast, and at times in the nation to respond to new economic needs, having, for example, the first online M.S. Esports Business program in the world, the second oldest EMBA in the Northeast, among the first programs in Forensic Science in the U.S., and establishing immediately after 9/11 the second graduate program in National Security.

Building on this proud history, we strive to be a leader in the swift development of programs that meet emergent economic challenges and opportunities in Connecticut, our nation and beyond.


Outcome 1

Refine college and program metrics to establish program enrollment goals that drive budget allocation for successful new and existing program performance and strategic initiative funds for new market-responsive programs; while simultaneously identifying programs for either reimagining or decommissioning, through routinizing a robust program assessment plan

Outcome 2

Raise funds to create, staff, and support interdisciplinary structures at the University that will be platforms for new program development across the disciplines

Outcome 3

Revise the Core Curriculum to streamline and distinguish a coherent “core” that prepare all students for success in the new economy with emerging technologies

Outcome 4

Ensure, for each fiscal year, that incremental net student and fee revenue exceeds incremental increases in annual operating expenses, and results in an unrestricted increase in net assets from operations of at least 4%, which is $7.664 million in the 2021-2022 operating plan

Outcome 5

Increase external funding through grants & contracts by 25% ($4.87 million in award notifications and $4.6 million in research expenditures in FY21) each year for 3-5 years with a focus on funding research and projects that complement market-responsive degree programs and provide students with opportunities for competency acquisition in these areas

Outcome 6

Measure UNH’s Net Promotion Score, benchmark our NPS against peer institutions, and achieve a higher NPS by 2026

Outcome 7

Reorganize the library to emulate the “academic library of the future” by integrating IT services and leading-edge university library design to create the “digital learning commons” of leading institutions of higher education.

1.1: Develop college and program metrics to establish program enrollment goals that drive budget allocation for successful program performance
  • 1.1.01: Determine core set of metrics that are vetted by relevant stakeholders at the institution
  • 1.1.02: Build a data warehouse
  • 1.1.03: Generate student-level metrics to complement program metrics
  • 1.1.04: Develop a verification and implementation framework for the metrics
  • 1.1.05: Gather forward-looking metrics to guide strategic initiatives and funds for new market-responsive programs
  • 1.1.06: Use core set of metrics to establish enrollment goals by program
  • 1.1.07: Measure UNH’s Net Promotion Score, benchmark our NPS against peer institutions, and achieve a higher NPS by 2026
1.2: Program review and assessment of student outcomes
  • 1.2.01: Launch a robust internal program review and assessment plan for continuous improvement
  • 1.2.02: Develop survey for both internal and external stakeholders that helps identify current academic gaps and make recommendations based on strategic priorities and financial capacity
1.3: Create or bolster, staff, and support new and existing interdisciplinary structures at the University that will be the platform for new program development across the disciplines. Illustrative examples include a Department of Interdisciplinary Programs, an Interdisciplinary Center of Excellence for Artificial Intelligence, Connecticut Institute of Technology, Interdisciplinary Center for Climate Justice, Center for Economic Empowerment, Tow Youth Justice Institute, and Center for Analytics
  • 1.3.01: Develop and implement a process to solicit and evaluate proposals for interdisciplinary programs, structures, and/or Centers of Excellence
  • 1.3.02: Facilitate interdisciplinary proposal working groups for data gathering and curriculum
  • 1.3.03: Evaluate proposals for interdisciplinary programs and/or Centers of Excellence with mission statements, 5-year business plans, and fundraising plans
  • 1.3.04: Propose an operational structure to support and reward interdisciplinary program development
1.4: Revise and showcase an interdisciplinary core curriculum that invites students to take an active role in their preparation for the new economy and emerging technologies
  • 1.4.01: Develop a Connected Core Curriculum or Core within a Core
  • 1.4.02: Apply for a grant from funding sources such as the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Carnegie Foundation, or the Andrew W. Mellon foundation
  • 1.4.03: Develop a plan for block transfer of core courses to facilitate transition of transfer students into UNH, addressing disparities of access for transfer students and contributing to their success
  • 1.4.04: Work with the OSP 4 working group to develop a process for seamless transition for Adult Degree Completion students
  • 1.4.05: Explore steps required to disentangle the core curriculum from the general education (distributed education) regulatory requirements in order to establish a true, streamlined core
1.5: Ensure, for each fiscal year, that incremental net student and fee revenue exceeds incremental increases in annual operating expenses, and results in an unrestricted increase in net assets from operations of at least 4%, which is $7.664 million in the 2021-2022 operating plan
  • 1.5.01: Review recent bond rating assessment by Moody’s to determine areas for improving bond rating (reducing borrowing costs)
  • 1.5.02: Report and assess twice per year estimated six-month revenue, costs and margin performance
  • 1.5.03: Identify underperforming programs that fall below the average net-tuition contribution and explore corrective measures
1.6: Enhance external funding at the University with a focus on funding research and projects that complement market-responsive degree programs and provide students with opportunities for competency acquisition in these areas
  • 1.6.01: Develop incentive plan to give faculty course releases based on the amount of indirect revenue generated and budgeted course releases
  • 1.6.02: Identify areas of improvement and develop a plan to increase research expenditures through grants & contracts by 25% each year in 3-5 years
1.7: Measure UNH’s Net Promotion Score, benchmark our NPS against peer institutions, and achieve an NPS of 60 by 2026
  • 1.7.01: For the last six years, evaluate the NSSE question “If you could start over again, would you go to the same institution you are now attending?” as a first proxy for NPS
  • 1.7.02: Develop and ask an NPS question in a short one-question flash poll right before the registration screen during priority registration
  • 1.7.03: Develop a strategy to implement a flash NPS poll for alumni
1.8: Pursue reorganization of the library to emulate the “academic library of the future” by integrating IT services and leading-edge university library design to create the “digital learning commons” of leading institutions of higher education
  • No sub-deliverables at this time.
1.9: Identify three outside branding agencies/consultants that would evaluate the University’s current brand strategy and recommend if a new brand strategy is needed.
  • 1.9.01: Prepare a proposal that accurately describes the scope of work we expect as part of a comprehensive evaluation, including, but not limited to: investigation/research phase, audit of print and digital communications, and examination of University’s value propositions and web presence
  • 1.9.02: Identify key members of the University community who will support and actively participate in this scope of work

OSP 2: Transformative Student Experiences

We will be a leader in transformative experiences that empower our students and foster their sense of belonging, personal wellness and lifelong learning.


Outcome 1

Benchmark first-year retention rate to peer institutions, and increase our retention rate to exceed our peer group by 2026

Outcome 2

Re-envision co-curricular engagement by expanding student internships programs, employment and leadership opportunities to foster professional development

Outcome 3

Increase the 6-month post-graduation Career Outcomes Rate from 75% in 2020 to 90% by 2026

Outcome 4

Build a new student center to become a more residential campus

Outcome 5

Obtain an invitation to a NCAA DI conference that fits UNH’s academic, athletic, regional and financial profile and demonstrate that full NCAA DI improves student recruitment and retention

2.1: Benchmark first-year retention rate to peer institutions, and increase our retention rate to exceed our peer group by 2026
  • 2.1.01: Launch academic support systems on campus by providing a comprehensive network of peer tutors, academic workshops and group learning opportunities in the common first year and second year courses with each college and school
  • 2.1.02: Create informational data sources and reports to further motivate faculty use of academic alert systems so that 60% of the undergraduate and graduate faculty utilize our strategic platforms and retention initiatives
  • 2.1.03: Invest in integrated learning experiences by enhancing our learning communities, student development courses and other first year student support initiatives to increase student participation from 10% to 50% in the first year (SDEV, Flex Program & Myatt Center Mentoring Program)
  • 2.1.04: Create an infrastructure for first year Living and Learning Communities
  • 2.1.05: Utilize university platforms, such as Navigate, institutional data, newly developed Quality of Life Survey and Campus Climate Survey to identify areas of successes and challenges related to different demographics groups to create action plans for appropriate target responses and populations
  • 2.1.06: Create and intensify programming and services that support international students first year students (undergraduate and graduate)
  • 2.1.07: Benchmark first-year retention rate to peer institutions
  • 2.1.08: Consolidate all academic support into academic affairs
  • 2.1.09: Continue focus on “gateway” courses for specific majors, and also core courses for all, that are predictors of success and bolster the support for students in these courses
2.2: Develop co-curricular engagement that expands student on-campus employment and leadership opportunities
  • 2.2.01: Map Student Affairs CLE Competencies to the Academic Core Competencies to create a shared framework for student knowledge, skill, and ability development
  • 2.2.02: Align on-campus employment with the shared competency development framework to develop highly sought after “soft skills” in all our students to increase competitiveness for graduate school admission, entrepreneurial success, and positive employment outcomes
  • 2.2.03: Implement a Student Campus Leadership HIP that allows identified campus leadership roles to qualify as a HIP to satisfy the two HIP graduation requirements
  • 2.2.04: Create a proposal for increased on-campus employment opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students
  • 2.2.05: Enhance on-campus employment opportunities for international students and also enhance their prospects for securing off campus employment by overcoming obstacles to this
2.3: Increase the 6-month post-graduation Career Outcomes Rate from 75% in 2020 to 90% by 2026
  • 2.3.01: Re-invent the Career Development Center into a “hub and spoke” model, organized around a central planning and collaboration focused unit with direct-reporting satellite career development/employer relations functions embedded within the academic colleges.
  • 2.3.02: Build an on-campus internship program that focuses on student pathways to career readiness and increased access to competitive off-campus internships
  • 2.3.03: Create early action career development pathways for traditionally underrepresented students to be offered the knowledge, skills, abilities, and preparation to compete equitably for paid internships, graduate school acceptance, and careers, starting in Fall 2021 and continuing annually
  • 2.3.04: Develop a proposal to provide financial support lines through sponsorships, alumni giving, grants, and philanthropy to support students in unpaid internships
  • 2.3.05: Develop a proposal to support initiatives focused on student career readiness including expansion of the Career Development Center, faculty support programs, staff support, and external relations functions
2.4: Build a new student center to become a more residential campus
  • 2.4.01: Develop a proposal for state-of-the-art student engagement spaces
2.5: With Board of Governors’ approval to seek NCAA Division I membership in hand, obtain an invitation to a Division I conference that fits UNH’s academic, athletic, regional and financial profile and demonstrate that NCAA Division I improves student recruitment and retention
  • 2.5.01: Demonstrate how a transition to NCAA Division I will improve student recruitment and retention
  • 2.5.02: Secure funding and begin construction of the Peterson Performance Center to demonstrate UNH’s commitment to potential Division I conferences
  • 2.5.03: Align fiscal budget to accommodate scholarship, staff, coaches, and operations of a Division I athletics department
  • 2.5.04: Finalize plan to secure funding for NCAA and conference entry fees
2.6: Develop a campus-wide Skills Win infrastructure to track students’ development along a number of career and professional skill dimensions for graduate and undergraduate students
  • 2.6.01: Form an administrative team to complete a needs assessment to implement a Skills Win infrastructure
  • 2.6.02: Work with industry and campus leaders to create the set of career skills that should be tracked
  • 2.6.03: Consult with OIT to select (or build) a tool to help enter and collect data from across campus
  • 2.6.04: Collect and integrate all co-curricular experiences with the data warehouse being develop in IR (OSP 1)
  • 2.6.05: Form a team to work on developing badging and micro-credentialing for Skills Win

OSP 3: Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Service

The University of New Haven embraces diversity and recognizes our responsibility to foster a diverse, inclusive, and welcoming environment in which all members of the Charger community of all backgrounds and identities can learn, work, and live together. We benefit from the academic, social, and cultural developments that arise from a diverse campus that is committed to equity, inclusion, belonging, and accountability.

We have a responsibility as a community and as individuals to address and remove barriers, achieve success, and sustain a culture of inclusivity, empathy, kindness, and compassion. We encourage, welcome, and embrace participation in ongoing dialogue, engagement, and education to critically examine and thoughtfully respond to the changing realities of our community. Diversity, equity, inclusion, access, and belonging enrich the Charger community and are instrumental to institutional success and fulfillment of the University mission.

We will make an unprecedented commitment to public service, social justice and diversity, equity, inclusion & belonging.


Outcome 1

Remove institutional barriers to ensure traditionally underserved students have equitable access to an exceptional UNH education

Outcome 2

Establish diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging among our leadership, faculty and staff by increasing and sustaining employee diversity to equal to that of the student population

Outcome 3

Increase public service, service learning, study abroad and compensated internship opportunities on and off campus and provide financial, career, and academic support to students

3.1: Develop, publicize, and support a university-wide diversity action plan
  • 3.1.01: Publicize the University’s updated Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging mission statement and its respective website
  • 3.1.02: Analyze biannual Campus Climate survey data and disseminate findings and recommendations to campus community
  • 3.1.03: Develop a University-wide Diversity Scorecard showing disaggregated data depicting student, staff, and faculty diversity
  • 3.1.04: Develop a response team to provide a campus-wide communication on diversity, equity and inclusion related matters
  • 3.1.05: Complete diversity, equity, and inclusion curriculum assessment across all five colleges and school and disseminate findings and recommendations to campus community
3.2: Ensure all enrollment and recruitment personnel consider and are sensitive to the needs of prospective (and incoming) first-generation, BIPOC, non-traditional, and underrepresented students
  • 3.2.01: Develop and provide ongoing training/education for enrollment and recruitment personnel to understand the unique challenges of prospective and incoming underrepresented students
  • 3.2.02: Offer tailored admissions-, recruitment-, and orientation-related events (e.g., open houses, recruitment fairs, etc.) for underrepresented students
  • 3.2.03: Develop tools to evaluate and enhance tailored admissions-, recruitment, and orientation-related events
3.3: Periodically assess and solicit University alumni perspectives, successes, and recommendations (1-year and 5-year since graduation)
  • 3.3.01: Develop and implement a survey to UNH alumni to assess their perspectives, successes, and recommendations for improvement one-year and five-years after graduation
  • 3.3.02: Evaluate alumni survey to inform changes to the University-wide diversity action plan and on-campus, recruitment, and diversity-equity-inclusion-and-belonging related activities
3.4: Enhance recruitment outreach to diverse communities throughout Connecticut and New England region
  • 3.4.01: Build, maintain, and support partnerships with high schools from diverse communities across Connecticut and New England region
3.5: Significantly increase the number of BIPOC and other historically marginalized groups in academia, full-time and part-time faculty and staff within the next 5-year period
  • 3.5.01: Institutionalize hiring and retention practices that consider diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging for faculty, staff, and administrative positions
3.6: Develop scholarship/stipend program to support students who obtain unpaid internships to ensure equitable access to opportunities
  • 3.6.01: Develop paid internships/co-ops/fellowships with industry, community, and other partners to ensure equitable access to opportunities
  • 3.6.02: Determine the percentage of paid internship per year and develop a plan to increase the percentage of compensated internship opportunities
  • 3.6.03: Increase the number of BIPOC students obtaining internships across all five colleges to comparable proportions as their non-BIPOC peers
3.7: Create a University-level Center for Community Engagement
  • 3.7.01: Motivate interdisciplinary curriculum, research and community work that addresses social inequity
  • 3.7.02: Work with Advancement to develop fundraising strategies for the Center
  • 3.7.03: Hire a Director of Community Engagement and Service Learning to organize, coordinate and oversee and support service-learning courses to integrate service learning into the curriculum
  • 3.7.04: Create and maintain program-specific tracking systems, course evaluations, reports and records related to community partnerships
  • 3.7.05: Create a plan to ensure a diverse array of students participate in study abroad/study away opportunities

OSP 4: Customized Educational Models

We will meet the needs of a larger community of learners by delivering customized and non-traditional educational delivery models.


Outcome 1

Create an internal community engagement structure designed to develop and sustain partnerships with for-profit and nonprofit entities

Outcome 2

Increase net revenue for non-traditional learners by 10% each year and increase alternative educational model net revenue to $400,000 by 2026

Outcome 3

Leverage existing partnerships and create new partnerships with local, regional and national corporate and community organizations to enable workforce development through new programs, certificates or badges

4.1: Create a centralized cross-functional (matrix) structure for successful partnerships
  • 4.1.01: Assess our current partnerships and identify “owners” of relationships
  • 4.1.02: Formalize the External Relations Council into a standing collaborative work group for coordinating partnerships across the university. Possible groups to coordinate include Career Development (Employer Relations Unit), Advancement/Development, Alumni Relations, faculty, and Service Learning (SLiCE) staff
  • 4.1.03: Have representatives/owners who work with external partners from across the institution that work in concert with this individual to meet KPIs
  • 4.1.04: Establish KPI’s at a University level as well as a departmental/college levels and accountability
  • 4.1.05: Centralize and organize the CRM process to identify and maintain relationships throughout the University
  • 4.1.06: Create an ambassador program where we train and reward faculty and staff for assisting in the development of partnerships
  • 4.1.07: Improve infrastructure for faculty webpage content to highlight and detail specific areas of expertise, and to maximize visibility in local, regional, national, and international markets, in order to support and facilitate the capacity to develop and sustain external collaborations and partnerships
4.2: Increase the number of non-traditional revenue opportunities
  • 4.2.01: Identify and prioritize the target markets for part-time non-traditional learners
  • 4.2.02: Identify and target online courses to increase online summer school enrollment
  • 4.2.03: Identify, using market analysis, best programs for future flexible models
  • 4.2.04: Clarify process and budget for every new program and accountability for attaining proposed program outcomes/goals
  • 4.2.05: Provide accessible pathways to support these non-traditional target audiences including processing and people for support
  • 4.2.06: Generate alternative educational models including micro credentials, badges, and stackable certificates
  • 4.2.07: Launch initial group of 12 micro-credentials in fall 2021 and at least 12 more by end of fiscal year 22
  • 4.2.08: Develop targets for annual increases in non-traditional online students
  • 4.2.09: Explore new pricing models for new offerings
  • 4.2.10: Increase marketing spend to align with the targeted increase in non-traditional enrollment
  • 4.2.11: Develop a proposal to utilize the campus during the summer for camps and conferences that provide net positive revenue generation for new opportunities
  • 4.2.12: Develop customized short programs for corporations/organization to assist with their corporate learning
  • 4.2.13: Develop and plan to increase additional board revenue from expansion
  • 4.2.14: Develop a plan to increase revenue from camps and conferences
4.3: Leverage existing partnerships and build new partnerships
  • 4.3.01: Develop a market research analysis of targeted programs and industries for workforce development to meet the target audiences
  • 4.3.02: Analyze the cost to create the infrastructure to support and foster new partnerships to generate new revenue streams
  • 4.3.03: Identify key contacts within organizations who would be essential for the development of new educational programs/models and identify the owner of that relationship
  • 4.3.04: Evaluate the ability to seek donor gifts for unique educational models
  • 4.3.05: Develop and maintain a database of expertise and area(s) of specialization for each faculty member, cohort, or department to serve as marketing for available consulting services to the local, regional, and national community
  • 4.3.06: Provide infrastructure to support and facilitate partnerships and collaborations with corporate and community organizations

OSP 5: People First

We will be an employer of choice that attracts, cultivates, and retains talent by fostering a great work environment, and a culture that focuses on supporting people while recognizing and rewarding effective performance.


Outcome 1

Create a strategically focused HR organization that is proactively aligned to deliver best-in-class service to the University, focusing on both strategic and functional excellence

Outcome 2

Build an interactive and engaging learning experience that gives managerial talent the confidence and skills needed to be successful in a frontline leadership role, increasing effectiveness and building relationships to get work done

Outcome 3

Build partnerships across the University in support of engagement, leading to the enhanced sharing of ideas, better collaboration, productivity, and retention between all faculty by focusing on core professional development opportunities to advance our mission and goals in teaching, research, and service

Outcome 4

Evolve the organization structure and refine internal processes and responsibilities to allow staff to focus on work that aligns to their core strengths, that best helps departments, students, and colleagues to maximize achievement of the University objectives

Outcome 5

Create and support a performance-based culture where values, behaviors, and expectations are linked to the University’s mission of meeting the needs of higher education, and employees are assessed and rewarded on their effectiveness in meeting agreed upon goals

Outcome 6

Reinforce a culture that recognizes creation/increase of value and engagement, leading to the enhanced sharing of ideas, better collaboration, productivity, and retention of employees

5.1: Create a strategically focused HR organization that is proactively aligned to deliver best-in-class service to the University, focusing on both strategic and functional excellence
  • 5.1.01: Implement a HR organizational structure and delivery model that evolves human resources to enable greater strategic partnership, value, and a proactive support model
  • 5.1.02: Educate the organization on the role of HR business partner (change agent, performance consultant, organizational strategist, coach, employee relations/labor relations advice, policy) and assess HR business partner capabilities for partnerships across campus. Evaluate client support structure and create assignments (accounting for business partner to staff ratios)
  • 5.1.03: Prepare for future-based HR support of faculty by generating initial plans for portfolio of work and responsibilities, inclusive of HR business partner and enhancements to proactive recruitment support
  • 5.1.04: Align HR center of expertise work to allow better focus on true subject matter content in their space
  • 5.1.05: Implement HR business partner plan and educate employees through established communication plan
  • 5.1.06: Evaluate HR tasks, transactional and administrative workflow for optimization and efficiency
  • 5.1.07: Collect manager and key stakeholder interview and survey feedback on the core HR services and processes that will drive employee engagement and optimize HR services for the next three years
  • 5.1.08: Identify HR services which can be optimized more efficiently and begin building plans
  • 5.1.09: Evaluate and leverage existing tools, begin identifying new tools that enhance services offerings to staff, allowing them to embrace elements of self-service (as an option)
  • 5.1.10: Leverage existing vendor partnerships and determine where services can be expanded at no cost, removing manual transactions from HR and shifting responsibility to vendor ownership, which allows us to leverage their technology capabilities as an enhancement to, or replacement for, manual work
  • 5.1.11: Create an HR analytics dashboard that begins to provide data through current reporting capabilities; organically modify based on university goals, feedback, and accessible data
5.2: Build an interactive and engaging learning experience that gives managerial talent the confidence and skills needed to be successful in a frontline leadership role, increasing effectiveness and building relationships to get work done
  • 5.2.01: Establish university talent management philosophy which includes stated commitment to learning and development
  • 5.2.02: Hire Director, Organizational Development & Talent Strategy position
  • 5.2.03: Evaluate supervisor bootcamp curriculum
  • 5.2.04: Evaluate faculty development feedback channels (FAR process, provost and dean feedback, tenure review process)
  • 5.2.05: Evaluate staff manager development feedback channels (performance management summation, VP/AVP departmental summaries) to assist with program design opportunities
  • 5.2.06: Research leadership and managerial best-in-class program content and design models that best support University needs
  • 5.2.07: Investigate vendor costs for assessment tools (360, style analysis, online platform, Canvas contract)
  • 5.2.08: Create leadership effectiveness communication piece (i.e. newsletter)
  • 5.2.09: Identify leadership/faculty development training space
  • 5.2.10: Establish managerial training scaffold and plan for execution by year 2, with an established goal of a leadership program by year 3
  • 5.2.11: Evaluate LinkedIn Learning offerings to compliment initial curriculum scaffold design
  • 5.2.12: Understand university resource(s) for instructional design “support share” and usage of Canvas application for employees
  • 5.2.13: Establish plan for reinforced learning opportunities for core training objectives during Year 2
  • 5.2.14: Set the foundation for upcoming, graduated programmatic levels, establishing a leadership effectiveness curriculum that continues to enable and advance leadership performance.
5.3: Build partnerships across the University in support of engagement, leading to the enhanced sharing of ideas, better collaboration, productivity, and retention between all faculty by focusing on core professional development opportunities to advance our mission and goals in teaching, research, and service
  • 5.3.01: Develop a communication approach to increase awareness of existing professional development opportunities
  • 5.3.02: Charge a task force to review/assess future professional development efforts considering the pandemic (e.g., hybrid instruction)
  • 5.3.03: Develop a structured program for all faculty and staff to provide mentorships/ professional development, particularly to the junior faculty members and staff
  • 5.3.04: Identify a task force to create a process for an annual Academic Business Planning process for each of the Colleges/Schools to be presented at the leadership level, promoting a stronger sense of transparency and confidence in decision making
  • 5.3.05: Clarify the faculty committees and define roles affiliated with each along with meaningful work and fair measures of meaningful contribution
  • 5.3.06: Expand Office of Grants and Sponsored Projects (OGSP) activities to pursue strategic grants and contracts in collaboration with faculty partnerships (in support of OSP 1.6)
  • 5.3.07: Create faculty learning communities around common areas of interest or overlapping goals and priorities to identify innovative outcomes
5.4: Evolve the organization structure and refine internal processes and responsibilities to allow staff to focus on work that aligns to their core strengths, that best helps departments, students, and colleagues to maximize achievement of the University objectives
  • 5.4.01: Identify and create university project management position under the business office that maximizes efficiencies across campus and helps with cost savings/revenue generating ideas
  • 5.4.02: Once strategic plan is completed, evaluate deliverables against current University business processes
  • 5.4.03: Brainstorm on process improvement opportunities that exist across the entire University system, impacting faculty, student, and staff processes
  • 5.4.04: Prioritize and identify the top three process improvement opportunities based on risk and rewards, and evaluate against university goals and objectives
  • 5.4.05: Propose Clerical Work Evaluation Project and draft project scope
  • 5.4.06: Identify synergistic opportunities across university departments (non-faculty) in support of collaboration, leading to the increase of shared ideas, sparking innovation and productivity
  • 5.4.07: Redesign hiring processes to support a high performing organization that sees talent as its strategic imperative, where units proactively plan for efforts and engage with high performing thought leaders for open positions, and assess candidates for job fit, culture fit, and innovation
  • 5.4.08: Finalize hire of interim Contract Recruiter position to support process redesign effort and confirm Director is in place
  • 5.4.09: Evaluate changes for university orientation process
  • 5.4.10: Redesign of position requisition approval process, where HR becomes a business partner that is involved in organizational design/talent discussions prior to position requisition approvals discussing where skill sets might exist in talent across the university for internal mobility and transfer
5.5: Create and support a performance-based culture where values, behaviors, and expectations are linked to the University’s mission of meeting the needs of higher education, and employees are assessed and rewarded on their effectiveness in meeting agreed upon goals
  • 5.5.01: Implement changes to the staff appraisal process inclusive of self-assessment, weighted goal setting, and the creation of a feedback and coaching culture; propose a new performance rating scale which aligns to merit pay administration
  • 5.5.02: Recommend adjustments to the Faculty Activity Report (FAR) that focus on mutually agreed upon outcomes, driving programs and activities leading to student success; re-evaluate performance factors (teaching, scholarly, service) to ensure that UNH and its students achieve the right outcomes for the future; and assign weightings and alignment to adjust and update faculty merit pay system
  • 5.5.03: Evaluate vendor partnerships that will help create a compensation framework for administrative positions that will establish how pay is structured and administered, how jobs are structured across the university, and will establish an overarching compensation philosophy for all positions
5.6: Reinforce a culture that recognizes creation/increase of value and engagement, leading to the enhanced sharing of ideas, better collaboration, productivity, and retention of employees
  • 5.6.01: Design internal branding campaign to reinforce University values
  • 5.6.02: Integrate University values into aspects of university messaging, materials, tools, and collaterals
  • 5.6.03: Research vendors for bi-annual workplace engagement survey
  • 5.6.04: Identify costs affiliated with running an annual survey for future budget allocation
  • 5.6.05: Identify workplace survey themes for measurement (i.e. commitment, communication, decision making, employee development, performance management, leadership, productivity, teamwork, rewards, diversity and inclusion)
  • 5.6.06: Modify communication and recognition to annual service award recipients; begin exploring recognition ideas for future years
  • 5.6.07: Integrate exit interview summary data into HR analytics reporting, utilizing detail to shape future management training and professional development opportunities for all employees


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