2023-2024 Sub-Deliverables

Our five-year plan outlines five outstanding success possibilities (OSPs) that, when accomplished, will represent a true measure of exemplary achievement, promising to have a far-reaching impact on the future of the University and the educational experience of our students.

OSP 1: Market-responsive Education

The University of New Haven was founded to meet the workforce needs of the region. During its hundred-year history it has often been one of the first educational institutions in the Northeast, and at times in the nation to respond to new economic needs, having, for example, the first online MS Esports Business program in the world, the second oldest EMBA in the Northeast, among the first programs in Forensic Science in the U.S., and establishing immediately after 9/11 the second graduate program in National Security.

Building on this proud history, we strive to be a leader in the swift development of programs that meet emergent economic challenges and opportunities in Connecticut, our nation and beyond.

OSP Leader
Shaily Menon

Sub-Deliverable Leaders
Greg Eichhorn
Ron Harichandran
Mary Isbell
Nick LaMendola
Brian Otis
Sue Pranulis
Nancy Savage
Chuck Skipton
Lauren Slingluff
George Synodi


Outcome 1

Refine college and program metrics to establish program enrollment goals that drive budget allocation for successful new and existing program performance and strategic initiative funds for new market-responsive programs; while simultaneously identifying programs for either reimagining or decommissioning, through routinizing a robust program assessment plan.

Outcome 2

Raise funds to create, staff, and support interdisciplinary structures at the university that will be platforms for new program development across the disciplines.

Outcome 3

Revise the Core Curriculum to streamline and distinguish a coherent “core” that prepare all students for success in the new economy with emerging technologies.

Outcome 4

Ensure, for each fiscal year, that incremental net student and fee revenue exceeds incremental increases in annual operating expenses, and results in an unrestricted increase in net assets from operations of at least 4%, which is 7.664 million dollars in the 2021-2022 operating plan.

Outcome 5

Increase external funding through grants & contracts by 10% each year for 3-5 years with a focus on funding research and projects that complement market-responsive degree programs and provide students with opportunities for competency acquisition in these areas.

Outcome 6

Measure UNH’s Net Promotion Score, benchmark our NPS against peer institutions, and achieve a higher NPS by 2026.

Outcome 7

Reorganize the Library to emulate the “academic library of the future” by integrating IT services and leading-edge University Library design to create the “digital learning commons” of leading institutions of higher education.

1.1: Develop college and program metrics to establish program enrollment goals that drive budget allocation for successful program performance
  • 1.1.01: Define and publish core metrics for program evaluation for use by all stakeholders
  • 1.1.02: Core metrics are used for budget allocation and staffing decisions
1.2: Program review and assessment of student outcomes
  • 1.2.01: Create a repository for Program Review Reports and feedback where we can clearly demonstrate our assessment progress
  • 1.2.02: Train an initial set of faculty in using the Watermark tool for assessment of student learning outcomes
1.3: Create or bolster, staff, and support new and existing interdisciplinary structures at the University that will be the platform for new program development across the disciplines
  • 1.3.01: Revise and strengthen the strategic review process and feasibility review process for new academic programs
  • 1.3.02: Continue to build logistics for the University Collaborative and conduct a preliminary assessment of the UC at year’s end
1.4: Revise and showcase an interdisciplinary Core Curriculum that invites students to take an active role in their preparation for the new economy and emerging technologies
  • 1.4.01: Core Curriculum Innovation Committee: Conduct a detailed assessment of CC8 and C9 core curriculum (both tiers) while piloting a new approach for routine assesment of the university’s core curriculum
  • 1.4.02: Accelerated Core Curriculum: Perform a needs assessment for transfer/degree completion students regarding core curriculum as a first step in better meeting the needs of the core curriculum for these learners
1.5: Ensure, for each fiscal year, that incremental net student and fee revenue exceeds incremental increases in annual operating expenses, and results in an unrestricted increase in net assets from operations of at least 4%, which is 7.664 million dollars in the 2021-2022 operating plan
  • 1.5.01: Review recent S&P bond rating assessment to determine areas for improving bond rating (which reduces future borrowing costs)
  • 1.5.02: Report and assess twice per year estimated six-month revenue, costs and margin performance
  • 1.5.03: Conduct analysis of academic programs, metrics and score card to assess program performance, and required remediation efforts and improvement
1.6: Enhance external funding at the university with a focus on funding research and projects that complement market-responsive degree programs and provide students with opportunities for competency acquisition in these areas
  • 1.6.01: Increase grant activity: Develop a plan to increase research expenditures through grants & contracts by 10% each year in 3-5 years
  • 1.6.02: Support research and grants initiatives with IDC funds at the college level, annually
  • 1.6.03: Develop research projects and funding that complement market-responsive programs
1.7: Measure UNH’s Net Promotion Score, benchmark our NPS against peer institutions, and achieve a higher NPS by 2026 
  • 1.7.01: Continue to evaluate and assess the two annual survey tools/polls that have been put in place (ChargeOut and Navigate)
  • 1.7.02: Alumni engagement survey to be delivered with a message from the President providing context on why the survey is important to future operations of the university, ultimately leading to allocation of resources funding and programmatic changes. 
1.8: Pursue reorganization of the Library to emulate the “academic library of the future” by integrating IT services and leading-edge University Library design to create the “digital learning commons” of leading institutions of higher education
  • 1.8.01: Improve the Library’s digital environment through implementation of a new Integrated library system and integration of APIs and tools that improve access and the user experience.
  • 1.8.02: Build assessment benchmarks for key areas of performance and make available and accessible to decision makers through dashboards
1.9: Evaluate the University’s current brand and recommend new market facing brand development
  • 1.9.01: Roll out the new brand
  • 1.9.02: Executing the new brand

OSP 2: Transformative Student Experiences

We will be a leader in transformative experiences that empower our students and foster their sense of belonging, personal wellness and lifelong learning.

OSP Leader
Ophelie Rowe-Allen

Sub-Deliverable Leaders
Ric Baker
Matt Caporale
Curtis Clark
Greg Eichhorn
Tiffany Hesser
Nick LaMendola
Steve Macchiarolo
Jon Mays
Christine Shakespeare


Outcome 1

Benchmark first-year retention rate to peer institutions, and increase our retention rate to be in line with our peer group by 2026.

Outcome 2

Re-envision co-curricular engagement by expanding student internships programs, employment and leadership opportunities to foster professional development

Outcome 3

Increase the 6-month post-graduation Career Outcomes Rate from 75% in 2020 to 90% by 2026

Outcome 4

Build a new student center to become a more residential campus

Outcome 5

Obtain in invitation to a NCAA DI conference that fits UNH’s academic, athletic, regional and financial profile and demonstrate that full NCAA DI improves student recruitment and retention

2.1: Benchmark first-year retention rate to peer institutions, and increase our retention rate to exceed our peer group by 2026
  • 2.1.01: Build comprehensive academic support systems on campus by providing a network of peer tutors, academic advisors and group learning opportunities in the common first year and second year courses within each college and school with a focus on gateway and predictor courses for specific majors or programs
  • 2.1.02: Create informational data sources and reports to further motivate faculty use of academic alert systems so that 60% of the undergraduate and graduate faculty utilize our strategic platforms and retention initiatives
  • 2.1.03: Have at least 50% of new students participating in one of the following initaitives ( ELCs, Summer Bridge , Mentor initiatives, Flex) for the academic year. 
  • 2.1.04: Develop plan to move high-impact programs to formal living learning communities and move all other programs to themed housing
  • 2.1.05: Create assessment plan to assess the efficacy of living learning programs and determine if any of the themed housing programs should be moved to a living learning program
  • 2.1.06: Utilize data from assessment plan to determine what living learning programs should be extended into the sophomore community for Fall 2024
  • 2.1.07: Utilize university platforms, such as Navigate, institutional data, newly developed Student Experience Survey and Campus Climate Survey to identify areas of successes and challenges related to different demographics groups to create action plans for appropriate target responses and populations
  • 2.1.08: Evaluate and enhance first-year retention rate in alignment with identified peer institutions to improve student persistence)
  • 2.1.09: Consolidate all academic support into academic affairs
2.2: Build the foundation for a formal on-campus internship and student employment program focused on student skill and knowledge development
  • 2.2.01: Develop cohort of campus supervisors for training, support, enhanced communication, and sharing of best practices by August 2023
  • 2.2.02: Build communication plan for students, both pre and post arrival, on the student employment process (how it works, types of jobs, where to locate jobs, application process, etc.) by August 2023. Implement for Fall 2023.
  • 2.2.03: Identify new application system by August 2023 (Handshake, Slate, Charger Connection) to align application process with supervisor procedures and to enhance communication to students on complete job status.
  • 2.2.04: Task Force to begin planning for a “student development framework” for campus positions in Fall 2023, to be phased in over a two-year period, beginning Spring 2024.
2.3: Increase the 6-month post-graduation Career Outcomes Rate to from 75% in 2020 to 90% by 2026
  • 2.3.01: Continue the implementation and expansion of pathways started in AY 22-23 for international students, neurodiverse students, and student-athletes. Begin tracking engagement data and demographics of participants to connect to internship attainment (short term) and post-graduation outcomes (long term).
  • 2.3.02: Identify two new cohorts for pathway programs (LGBTQ+, First Gen) for expansion of pathways programs; Begin tracking engagement data and demographics of participants to connect to internship attainment (short term) and post-graduation outcomes (long term).
  • 2.3.03: Identify specific metrics to demonstrate the usage, effectiveness, and needs of the Career Development Center by January 2024; submit recommendation report by June 2024.
  • 2.3.04: Create a program development infrastructure that fosters personal and professional development to nurture an engaged graduate community.
  • 2.3.05: Enhance the infrastructure that supports graduate students by providing comprehensive training and supportive resources for procedures associated with academic standing and student welfare needs.
  • 2.3.06: Data warehouse has been built as a collaboration between Career Development and Institutional Research; review and improve reporting structures, visuals, and reports to best showcase student outcomes.
2.4: Build a new student center to become a more residential campus
  • 2.4.01: Create proposal with cost to develop visual renderings for the building design as a visual tool to communicate with donors.
  • 2.4.02: Develop marketing plan to communicate with potential donors (problem, vision, cost estimation,benefits and deliverables, deadlines)
2.5: With Board of Governors’ approval to seek NCAA Division I membership in hand, obtain an invitation to a Division I conference that fits UNH’s academic, athletic, regional and financial profile and demonstrate that NCAA Division I improves student recruitment and retention
  • 2.5.01: Secure funding and begin renevations on Charger Gymnasium to improve Charger athletics facilities to better suit a division 1 program.
  • 2.5.02: Align fiscal budget to accommodate scholarship, staff, coaches, and operations of a Division 1 athletics department
2.6: Develop a campus-wide Skills Win infrastructure to track students’ development along a number of career and professional skill dimensions for graduate and undergraduate students
  • 2.6.01: Create a working group to identify essential skills that students should be building during their college experience to prepare them for post-graduation success.
  • 2.6.02: Map essential skills to existing course offerings, experiential programs, student leadership programs, internships, and on-campus employment.
  • 2.6.03: Create or identify a tracking system to document student engagements and track skill development.
  • 2.6.04: Develop assessment instruments to quantify student skill development along chosen essential skills

OSP 3: Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Service

The University of New Haven embraces diversity and recognizes our responsibility to foster a diverse, inclusive, and welcoming environment in which all members of the Charger community of all backgrounds and identities can learn, work, and live together. We benefit from the academic, social, and cultural developments that arise from a diverse campus that is committed to equity, inclusion, belonging, and accountability.

We have a responsibility as a community and as individuals to address and remove barriers, achieve success, and sustain a culture of inclusivity, empathy, kindness, and compassion. We encourage, welcome, and embrace participation in ongoing dialogue, engagement, and education to critically examine and thoughtfully respond to the changing realities of our community. Diversity, equity, inclusion, acceptance, and belonging enrich the Charger community and are instrumental to institutional success and fulfillment of the University mission.

We will make an unprecedented commitment to public service, social justice and diversity, equity, inclusion & belonging.

OSP Leader
Barbara Lawrence

Sub-Deliverable Leaders
Matt Caporale
Danielle Cooper
Kai Hamilton
Nick LaMendola
Shaily Menon
Corrine Merjave
Christine Shakespeare


Outcome 1

Reduce institutional barriers to ensure historically underserved students have equitable access to an exceptional UNH education by ensuring resources dedicated to DEIAB.

Outcome 2

Establish diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging among our leadership, faculty and staff by increasing and sustaining employee diversity comparable to that of the student population

Outcome 3

Increase public service, service learning, study abroad and compensated internship opportunities on and off campus and provide financial, career, and academic support to students

3.1: Identify institutional barriers to obtaining an exceptional UNH education
  • 3.1.01: Establish committee to identify institutional barriers at UNH.
  • 3.1.02: Determine metrics to assess removal of institutional barriers identified in 3.1.01
  • 3.1.03: Annually identify target barrier(s) to EAB Students Success data
  • 3.1.04: Maintain ongoing curriculum assessment efforts related to DEIAB in the curriculum
  • 3.1.05: Link identified barrier(s) to University-wide diversity action plan (see 3.2)
3.2: Develop, publicize, and support a university-wide diversity action plan
  • 3.2.01: Release a comprehensive campus-wide Diversity Work Plan that identifies DEI values and initiatives for each academic year
  • 3.2.02: Inform the campus at the beginning of each semester of plans for DEI efforts in each college
  • 3.2.03: Meet with departments across the institution to help them utilize data drawn from the Campus Climate Survey. Use the data to create dashboards to benchmark their DEI Strategic Plans for their department bi-annually.
  • 3.2.04: Implement the Campus Education and Response Team (CERT) with collaboration with the Dean of Students Office and the Myatt Center (this should be done by the VP of DEIAB)
  • 3.2.05: Publicize the University’s updated Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Access, and Belonging mission statement and its respective website
  • 3.2.06: Update Diversity Dashboard
3.3: Develop scholarship/stipend program to support students who obtain unpaid internships to ensure equitable access to opportunities
  • 3.3.01: Expand employer education program to increase awareness and understanding of how to hire international students on F-1 visas to include an Employer Webinar Series, online Resource Materials Library for employer partners, and on-site employer education and training programs. Attain a 10% increase in employers on campus recruiting for DEI based positions.
  • 3.3.02: Continue to expand the number of diverse students participating in the program to hit program max of 20.
  • 3.3.03: Develop target metrics with partner organizations to discern the number of diverse candidates in the process from application through job offers. Utilize metrics to expand or strengthen student outcomes.
  • 3.3.04: Review data with academic Deans, faculty, administration, and External Relations Council to develop a plan for supporting and/or increasing number of compensated internships.
  • 3.3.05: Work with Institutional Research to develop a dashboard to connect internship data to student demographics; upon review of data, set plan as appropriate.
3.4: Significantly increase the number of BIPOC, and other historically marginalized groups in academia, full-time and part-time faculty and staff within the next 5-year period
  • 3.4.01: Institutionalize hiring and retention practices that consider diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging for faculty, staff, and administrative positions
  • 3.4.02: Expand upon Inclusion Advocates Program for Faculty and Staff Search
3.5: Create a University-level Center for Community Engagement
  • 3.5.01: Support and facilitate interdisciplinary initiatives that addresses social inequity. These would include combinations of curriculum, research, and/or community work.
  • 3.5.02: Identify individual to intiate community engagement and service learning opportunities and who will facilitate creating a vision for the Community Engagement Center
  • 3.5.03: Create and maintain program-specific tracking systems, course evaluations, reports and records related to community partnerships
  • 3.5.04: Create a plan to ensure a diverse array of students participate in study abroad/study away opportunities
  • 3.5.05: Draft a report on each high school partnership from diverse communities across Connecticut and New England region to determine rate of success and improvements needed

OSP 4: Customized Educational Models

We will meet the needs of a larger community of learners by delivering customized and non-traditional educational delivery models.

OSP Leader
Cindy Gallatin

Sub-Deliverable Leaders
Matt Caporale
Greg Eichhorn
Mario Gaboury
Nick LaMendola
Brian Otis
Christine Shakespeare
Chuck Skipton


Outcome 1

Create an internal community engagement structure designed to develop and sustain partnerships with for-profit and non-profit entities

Outcome 2

Increase net revenue for non-traditional learners by 10% each year and increase alternative educational model net revenue to $400,000 by 2026

Outcome 3

Leverage existing partnerships and create new partnerships with local, regional and national corporate and community organizations to enable workforce development through new programs, certificates or badges

4.1: Create a centralized cross-functional (matrix) structure for successful partnerships
  • 4.1.01: Continue with current targets to facilitate partnerships and collaborations with corporate, community organizations and vendors.  Build upon small wins to develop the partnerships for the development of new educational programs as well as other levels of engagement.
  • 4.1.02: Establish KPI’s at a University level for accountability, i.e. number of targeted partnerships
  • 4.1.03: Rollout CRM (Handshake) in 2023-2024
  • 4.1.04: Evaluate the ability to seek donor gifts for unique educational models
  • 4.1.05: Identify key contacts within organizations who would be essential for the development of new educational programs/models and identify the owner of that relationship
  • 4.1.06: Analyze the cost to create the infrastructure to support and foster new partnerships to generate new revenue streams
4.2: Increase the number of non-traditional revenue opportunities
  • 4.2.01: Identify and prioritize the target markets for part-time non-traditional learners. Create annual targets for growth.
  • 4.2.02: Clarify process and budget for every new program for non-traditional students and accountability for attaining proposed program outcomes/goals
  • 4.2.03: Expand Stackable credential model – pilot potential stacks first. Focucs on online and hybrid programs for the domestic non-traditional market and track success.
  • 4.2.04: Expand Digital Badging project by targeting appropriate courses without diluting the value of a badge
  • 4.2.05: Provide accessible pathways to support these non-traditional target audiences including processing and people for support – for both degree completion and stackable credentials
  • 4.2.06: Explore new pricing models for new offerings
  • 4.2.07: Increase marketing spend to align with the targeted increase in non-traditional enrollment
  • 4.2.08: Develop customized short programs for corporations/organization to assist with their corporate learning
  • 4.2.09: Summer 2023 was the University’s first time conducting internal youth overnight camps. This year will serve as a benchmark as we evaluate the net revenue opportunities, state guidelines and recruitment benefit we get from people attending camps and conferences.
  • 4.2.10: Using 2022-2023 as a benchmark year, measure revenue for non-traditional activities including partnerships, stackable credentials, camps

OSP 5: People First

We will be an employer of choice that attracts, cultivates, and retains talent by fostering a great work environment, and a culture that focuses on supporting people while recognizing and rewarding effective performance.

OSP Leader
Jen Cinque

Sub-Deliverable Leaders
Amy Nicole Baker
Iris Calovine
Maria-Isabel Carnasciali
Amelia Chopus
Kai Hamilton
Van Mangiacapra
Todd McInerney
Sue Pranulis
Robin Salters
Chuck Skipton


Outcome 1

Create a strategically focused HR organization that is proactively aligned to deliver best-in-class service to the academy, focusing on both strategic and functional excellence

Outcome 2

Build an interactive and engaging learning experience that gives managerial talent the confidence and skills needed to be successful in a frontline leadership role, increasing effectiveness and building relationships to get work done

Outcome 3

Build partnerships across the university in support of engagement, leading to the enhanced sharing of ideas, better collaboration, productivity, and retention between all faculty by focusing on core professional development opportunities to advance our mission and goals in teaching, research, and service

Outcome 4

Evolve the organization structure and refine internal processes and responsibilities to allow staff to focus on work that aligns to their core strengths, that best helps departments, students, and colleagues to maximize achievement of the University objectives

Outcome 5

Create and support a performance-based culture where values, behaviors, and expectations are linked to the University’s mission of meeting the needs of higher education, and employees are assessed and rewarded on their effectiveness in meeting agreed upon goals

Outcome 6

Reinforce a culture that recognizes creation/increase of value and engagement, leading to the enhanced sharing of ideas, better collaboration, productivity, and retention of employees

5.1: Create a strategically focused HR organization that is proactively aligned to deliver best-in-class service to the academy, focusing on both strategic and functional excellence
  • 5.1.01: Collect next iteration of HR service delivery feedback on core HR support areas and processes that drive employee engagement. Compare with 2021 feedback received and target metrics for improvement.
  • 5.1.02: Investigate best practice and technology options for exit interview questionnaire, enabling quantifiable and reportable metrics and trends that can be shared at university and officer/leader level. Data to shape HRBP creative engagement and retention solutioning with leader. Implement by end of FY24.
  • 5.1.03: Evaluate officer/unit leader’s compliance with performance management process and calibration on performance management definitions in preparation for upcoming technology transition and identification of key professional development themes. Discuss general and thematic solutions and remediation approaches aligned with organizational priorities and future strategic needs.
  • 5.1.04: Configure integration between Banner Document Management System and new applicant tracking system for all new hire interface processing, maintaining service delivery expectations.
  • 5.1.05: Work with IR on template dashboard combining university datasets and requirements, as outlined by organizational priorities and strategies (board and cabinet needs).
5.2: Build an interactive and engaging learning experience that gives managerial talent the confidence and skills needed to be successful in a frontline leadership role, increasing effectiveness and building relationships to get work done
  • 5.2.01: Plan and launch year 1 of Leader Lessons program
  • 5.2.02: Launch professional development website and supporting materials in support of performance objective needs, as identified through appraisal results and aligning with organizational competencies.
  • 5.2.03: Create quarterly professional development newsletter, matching the intention of the leadership publication (Leading the Charge).
  • 5.2.04: Launch pilot Interpersonal Dynamics/Emotional Intelligence/Customer Service program for academic administrative staff
5.3: Build partnerships across the university in support of engagement, leading to the enhanced sharing of ideas, better collaboration, productivity, and retention between all faculty by focusing on core professional development opportunities to advance our mission and goals in teaching, research, and service
  • 5.3.01: Scale up the faculty development efforts organized by the CTE, leveraging the strengths of the new CTE fellows for AY24.
  • 5.3.02: Scale up deployment of program assessment efforts building on successes and learnings from pilot year periodic program review (PPR). Deploy new Watermark Tool for reporting for PPR AY24.
  • 5.3.03: Create inter/intra departmental, informal mentor networking opportunities.
  • 5.3.04: Execute Faculty Development opportunities on a regular basis in support of identified areas of need such as on academic assessment, academic policies, and academic leadership development.
  • 5.3.05: Establish Faculty Development opportunities to advance our goals in research.
5.4: Evolve the organization structure and refine internal processes and responsibilities to allow staff to focus on work that aligns to their core strengths, that best helps departments, students, and colleagues to maximize achievement of the University objectives
  • 5.4.01: Utilizing Ellucian Workflow capabilities, execute pilot group for test workflow processes as all internal functional and technical processes are built.
  • 5.4.02: Complete remaining workflows, as determined through project scope, provide training and shift those to the new process model.
  • 5.4.03: Exchange the usage of all paper, scanned, or PDF versions of PDO forms with submissions through Ellucian Workflow process.
  • 5.4.04: Assess the effectiveness of the TOPS Applicant Tracking System and where additional training is necessary for staff hiring managers.
  • 5.4.05: Evaluate timeliness of the faculty hiring practice transition to the TOPS Applicant Tracking System. Start project.
  • 5.4.06: Evaluate effectiveness of university onboarding program by assessing participant surveys and feedback provided, making necessary modifications to both Canvas an internal program.
5.5: Create and support a performance-based culture where values, behaviors, and expectations are linked to the University’s mission of meeting the needs of higher education, and employees are assessed and rewarded on their effectiveness in meeting agreed upon goals
  • 5.5.01: Transition staff performance appraisal to online technology platform, including assessment and goal setting process. Plan all change management and training aspects, test configurations and build integrations, as appropriate.
  • 5.5.02: Create a faculty endorsed rubric for the FAR rating categories.
  • 5.5.03: Draft a proposed revision of the FAR process and explore overall impact to its branded name.
  • 5.5.04: Determine best implementation plan (3 presented) for the career framework project. Align our talent management strategy, budgeting cycle, change management requirements, and other change efforts needed to support other core projects scheduled for FY24 implementation
  • 5.5.05: Implement Career Framework program (compensation guidelines, career levels, salary band structures). Create training and educational materials. Investigate impacts, options, and limitations to adjust annual general salary increase process.
5.6: Reinforce a culture that recognizes creation/increase of value and engagement, leading to the enhanced sharing of ideas, better collaboration, productivity, and retention of employees
  • 5.6.01: Provide all university employees a core competency card distributed by President’s office. Finish branding efforts (Posters, signage, etc.)
  • 5.6.02: Launch peer to peer recognition program.
  • 5.6.03: Conduct after action review of the FY23 Staff Recognition event inclusive of annual service award program (2020, 2021, 2022) and Phil Bartels Staff Excellence Awards. Understand what took place, why it happened and how to improve for future years. Highlight areas of strength and development for future years; debrief with team and Staff Council for feedback.


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