Vision for 2020

September 19, 2012

For nearly a century, the University of New Haven has equipped students with the practical skills and critical knowledge necessary for success in an array of professional pursuits. In turn, our graduates have become the business executives, engineers, scientists, teachers, and public officials leading and supporting our communities.

As knowledge expands and these pursuits become more complex, a university’s approach to education must correspondingly change. Today’s technologically sophisticated students learn differently and require refashioned forms of teaching. They collaborate, find, and share knowledge instantly, and fully immerse themselves in the educational process. They think globally and don’t recognize academic silos. They increasingly aim to apply what they learn to their chosen careers, even before graduating, by engaging in internships and research projects. Universities must facilitate this discovery-based learning and prepare for success in today’s rapidly changing economic and technological landscape.

A national leader in experiential education, the University of New Haven is on the vanguard of this revolution. We seek to harness new advances in technology, reshape teaching and learning, and foster an educational environment where students benefit by creating, doing, and achieving. We also will build upon our historical academic strengths in science, engineering and business–and, more recently, in security and public safety. We will enhance these programs and discover new ways of creating interdisciplinary connections and promoting strategic partnerships.

Our vision is to become one of the Northeast’s premier comprehensive universities offering a technologically advanced, experience-based, outcomes-focused education, one that produces graduates who will use their knowledge and skills to strengthen communities throughout our region, our nation, and our world.

    Strategic Planning Pillars

    Established September 19, 2012

    Academic Quality and Distinction

    The University strives to create, maintain, and enhance distinctive programs in all of its colleges by:

    1. Investing in the College of Business and the Tagliatela College of Engineering in order to create or enhance interdisciplinary destination programs that are competitive and serve as an engine for economic development.
    2. Fostering quality, interdisciplinary connections in programs that demonstrate the ability to achieve higher levels of financial strength, external recognition, and acclaim, thus creating destination programs that attract top students nationally and internationally.
    3. Supporting strong scientific discovery and learning by updating facilities, providing cutting-edge learning spaces, creating a focus on STEM programs, and providing learning opportunities that will distinguish our graduates from others.
    4. Assessing continually the quality of all programs in order to apply and achieve high academic standards, improve retention, improve graduation rates, and strengthen the levels of achievement of our student body.

    Transformational Experience Through Student Engagement

    The University engages students in character building and career development through transformative experiences outside and inside the classroom by:

    1. Promoting transformation through experiential learning, co-curricular endeavors, meaningful and substantive faculty- or staff-mentored experiences, service learning, study abroad, internships, collaborative research, discovery-based learning, and intellectual discovery and debate.
    2. Assisting students to build character; cultivate their humanity; understand, appreciate, and celebrate diversity; and become responsible citizens by strengthening their ties to their local and global communities through experiential learning.
    3. Preparing students to contribute effectively to the workplace and promoting the development of responsible, ethical, and effective global citizens.
    4. Focusing resources, activities, and programs to support career development and academic programs benefiting students and their future employers.
    5. Supporting efforts locally and regionally to improve economic conditions for all citizens, advance environmental stewardship, and create strong societal ties to our communities.
    6. Promoting interdisciplinary and collaborative research so that students view problems and issues from new or different perspectives and learn and appreciate the value of interdisciplinary approaches to problem solving.

    Technological Advancement

    The University seeks to introduce innovative, emerging technology and to establish and maintain consistent, reliable advanced technologies by:


    1. Employing technologies that lead to greater levels of skill, improved operational effectiveness, enhanced teaching and learning, and superior preparation of students entering the workforce with the ability to apply technology effectively.
    2. Expanding programs that incorporate aspects of emerging technologies, ensure competitiveness, sustain development of a global workforce, and promise relevance for the next generation through student success.
    3. Striving to develop, improve, and maintain state-of-the-art technology through facility improvements, equipment upgrades, and technology training.

    Academic Unit Goals

    Established September 19, 2012

    College of Arts & Sciences

    1. STEM–Promote and strengthen Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) offerings and
    2. GLOBAL–Promote global perspectives and opportunities for our students by increasing modern languages offerings and programs, as well as the range of courses and faculty perspectives in the social sciences and the humanities dealing with key areas such as the Middle East, Asia, India, and Latin America
    3. GENERAL EDUCATION–Promote a broad and vibrant general education for all students by strengthening liberal arts core offerings and co-curricular programming.

    College of Business

    1. REPUTATION–Continually improve the reputation and competitive strength of the College of Business by (a) responding to student needs through internships, student research, and career-focused activities; (b) developing a signature undergraduate experience; (c) continually increasing academic quality; (d) enhancing graduate programs through student/faculty interaction in research, project-based activities, service learning, and career activities; and (e) enhancing faculty strength in research and teaching excellence.
    2. DIFFERENTIATION—Develop a competitive signature through a focus on sustainable innovation in the SME with an emphasis on producing global thinkers, managers and leaders.
    3. RESPONSIVENESS—(a) Develop an organizational culture of responsiveness to students’ needs with a focus on the teacher/scholar model. (b) Develop new graduate programs that support emerging workforce trends and create a competitive advantage. (c) Develop capacity to collaborate and/or establish centers and institutes to correspond with the COB’s competitive advantage.
    4. FACILITIES—Achieve a named business-college building/space that facilitates learning through state-of-theart high technology places of learning.
    5. FUNDING—Acquire external funding for education and research, thus (a) advancing the business disciplines and their application and (b) advancing the teacher/scholar model.

    Henry C. Lee College of Criminal Justice & Forensic Sciences

    1. STRENGTHEN CORE FUNCTIONS—(a) Increase faculty research. (b) Expand development efforts. (c) Enhance software/hardware in support of academic programs and research. (d) Expand impact of HCLC Advising Center. (e) Enhance website presence.
    2. ENHANCE EXISTING PROGRAMS (a) Enhance and grow the CJ doctoral program and increase collaborative forensic science doctoral activities. (b) Internationalize programs and enhance top-quality degree programs. (c) Expand experiential learning opportunities. (d) Increase support for on-line and hybrid course and program offerings in the college. (e) Increase practitioner training.
    3. EXPAND INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION—(a) Develop new interdisciplinary programs, particularly computer forensics (cyber crime). (b) Strengthen interdisciplinary opportunities in research and scholarship.
    4. IMPROVE SOCIAL RELEVANCE AND IMPACT ON COMMUNITY—(a) Develop new degree programs with social relevance. (b) Continue tolerance and social justice initiatives. (c) Foster in students a sense of responsibility to community. (d) Strengthen external connections in support of New Haven and West Haven.

    Tagliatela College of Engineering

    1. DEVELOP DISTINCTIVE ENGINEERING PROGRAMS–(a) Develop distinctive interdisciplinary programs. (b) Integrate technical communication skill development through all years of engineering BS program. (c) Infuse programs with innovative and entrepreneurial concepts. (d) Develop international curricular opportunities.
    2. EXPAND AND STRENGTHEN EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS–(a) Strengthen partnerships with industry by broadening interactions among students, faculty, and companies. (b) Strengthen internship and co-op opportunities. (c) Coordinate and improve senior design experiences across all programs and broaden industry sponsorships. (d) Increase student participation in community-based service learning.
    3. ENHANCE FACULTY IMPACT ON STUDENTS AND DISCIPLINES–(a) Increase research and scholarship supported by external funding. (b) Enhance faculty teaching and research effectiveness. (c) Expand national visibility of TCOE faculty.
    4. ENHANCE STUDENT RECRUITMENT OUTCOMES–Improve the quality and quantity of incoming students and distribution among programs.

    College of Lifelong & eLearning

    1. PART-TIME ADULTS–Grow part-time adult student enrollments by an average of 6 percent per year by launching two online programs per year.
    2. SUMMER SESSION–Grow Summer Session enrollments by an average of 10 percent per year by increasing the total number of online courses offered each summer.
    3. INTERSESSION–Grow Winter Intersession enrollment by an average of 10 percent per year by increasing the total number of online courses offered each Intersession.–Grow part-time adult student enrollments by an average of 6 percent per year by launching two online programs per year.

    Academic Affairs Goals

    Established September 19, 2012

    1. ASSESSMENT–Ensure quality improvement through regular assessment throughout all university divisions.
    2. INTERDISCIPLINARY & STEM–Achieve distinction through interdisciplinary programs and Science,
      Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) connections.
    3. HONORS PROGRAM—Increase participation in the Undergraduate Honors Program to match increases in the quality of the undergraduate student population by FY20.

    Advancement Goals

    Established September 19, 2012

    1. NEW GIFTS–Raise minimum of $50 million in new gifts, pledges, and grant awards by June 30, 2016, for “The Defining Moment: A Campaign for the University of New Haven,” and at least an additional $50 million by FY20.
    2. ALUMNI PARTICIPATION–Increase alumni-giving participation rate to 14 percent by FY20.
    3. MEDIA PLACEMENTS–Increase media placements by 5 percent per year through FY 20.

    Enrollment Management & Athletics Goals

    Established September 19, 2012

    1. ENROLLMENT—Increase overall student enrollment to 7,000 full-time students by 2020, including approximately 5,000 undergraduate and 2,000 graduate students. An additional 1,500 students should be enrolled in online, distance, or part-time evening classes and programs. The percent of enrollment by college should be approximately 35 percent H. C. Lee College of Criminal Justice & Forensic Sciences, 30 percent
      College of Arts & Sciences, 20 percent College of Business, and 15 percent Tagliatela College of Engineering.
    2. RETENTION & GRADUATION–Achieve a first-year student retention rate of 83 percent and a graduation rate of not less than 65 percent by 2020.
    3. ATHLETIC FACILITIES–Renovate and construct expanded facilities at the North Campus Athletics Complex to allow coaches and student-athletes to achieve a nationally competitive intercollegiate athletics program that attracts, nurtures, and graduates student-athletes.

    Financial & Facility Services Goals

    Established September 19, 2012

    1. FINANCIAL POSITION–Achieve financial position required to establish UNH as a recognized regional destination university
    2. FACILITIES ENVIRONMENT–Provide a clean, comfortable, and functional environment commensurate with a regionally recognized destination university through the effective planning, design, and construction of new or renovated facilities and through the effective maintenance and operation of existing facilities.

    Human Resources Goals

    Established September 19, 2012

    1. DIVERSITY–Improve competency in diversity and gender equity
    2. RECRUITMENT & COMPENSATION–Provide recruitment and compensation services and support.
    3. WORKFORCE CHARACTERISTICS–Possess a highly motivated and satisfied workforce

    Information Technology Goals

    Established September 19, 2012

    1. TECHNOLOGY LEADER–Position the University as a leader in both academic and administrative technology.
    2. ACADEMIC SUPPORT–Provide systems to support improvements of skills and advancements in teaching and learning.
    3. EFFICIENCY–Enhance operational efficiency by integrating systems for all UNH business functions.
    4. INFRASTRUCTURE–Enhance and maintain the University infrastructure to continue to meet future demands to support academic quality and technological advancement.

    Student Affairs Goals

    Established September 19, 2012

    1. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT–Create a comprehensive, four-year leadership development program that provides students access to resources and experiences that foster knowledge and skill acquisition, practice, and reflection.
    2. INTEGRATION–Integrate Student Affairs and Academic Affairs programs to provide a holistic educational environment for students.
    3. CAREERS–Develop programs and structures to support student success in job placement and graduate school acceptance.


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